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Holiday Cheer

Millennium's Holiday Party at Mulcahy's Pub and Concert Hall, Wantagh, New York. 2002.

Pat Macri and David Denara
Lucille Teichman and Bill McGuirk
Andrea Gardella and Michael Iafrate
Andrew Keym and Greg Kowalcyk
Karaoke featuring John Leary
John Valentina
John Leary and Rose Perretta
Lucille Teichman, Yolanda (Trunzo) Principe, and Danny Ferrara
Ron Kalenka and Theresa Macri
Mikhail Izrailov, David Denara, and Ron Kalenka
Nicole Principe and Rose Perretta
Rose Perretta, Michael Iafrate, and Lucille Teichman
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